Elixir/Phoenix App using Redis on Fly

Date of writing: 30.8.2022

Recently, I worked on creating a tutorial demonstrating how to deploy an Elixir/Phoenix web app that uses Redis on Fly.

This project was particularly exciting for me because I had the chance to delve into Elixir, a functional programming language. It marked my first venture into building something with functional languages outside of my university coursework.

For communication with Upstash Redis, I utilized Redix, an Elixir-based Redis client. While originally designed for Redis, it seamlessly works with Upstash Redis since the Upstash Redis API adheres to the Redis API.

Ultimately, I created a simple app that provides weather information upon user request. The app uses Redis to cache responses, which offers several advantages. By reducing the number of calls to the external API (in this case, WeatherAPI), Redis helps to trim response times and cut down on costs.