About me

Hello, I’m Cahid Arda Öz, computer engineering graduate of Bogazici University (Turkey).

Feel free to explore my personal webpage to learn more about me. If you’d like to get in touch or discuss potential collaborations, don’t hesitate to reach out through the contact information provided.

Professional Background

I am currently working as a software engineer at Upstash. I am in the developer experience team developing the user console and various SDKs we have.

Hobbies and Interests

Beyond my academic and professional pursuits, I have a wide range of interests and hobbies. I’m passionate about sports, particularly tennis, and enjoy the depth of chess. Music has always been a significant part of my life, and I’m in the process of learning to play the piano.

When I’m not coding, you’ll often find me watching movies. I love Star Wars and enjoy the directors Quentin Tarantino, Denis Villeneuve.